A new intern from Greece has joined EXJ!

Background and studies
I was born and raised in Athens, the capital city of Greece. Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world, rich in history and significant world heritage ancient monuments. Athens is a mix of different cultures being the crossing point where the West meets the East, and it is generally considered to be the birthplace of democracy and Western civilization.
My father’s home town is on an island in the Aegean sea from where I have many happy childhood memories, especially during summer time.
After graduating from high school I studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens and during my studies I got the chance to travel across Europe. But my dream destination has always been Japan.
高校卒業後、National Technical University of Athensで電気・コンピューターエンジニアリングを学び、在学中にヨーロッパを旅行する機会を得ました。しかし、私の夢の目的地は常に日本でした。

Moving in Japan
Since early age I have had a strong interest in Japanese culture and tradition through the practice of martial arts and Japanese cinema, animation and arts. I visited Japan for the first time as a tourist in 2018 and I was fascinated by the country and its people. After returning back to Greece and completing my Master’s course, it became clear that I wanted to find a way to return to Japan and experience how it is to live in the country. So I made up my mind to continue my studies at university in Japan.
I applied for the MEXT scholarship in order to pursue a PhD degree in Japan and after passing the exams I was accepted to Osaka University as a PhD student. Unfortunately the outbreak of covid-19 delayed my moving to Japan but I was finally able to move to Osaka in 2022 and the rest is history.
Living in Japan has been a life changing experience for me. During these years I was able to meet many interesting people and make important friendships and connections. It greatly broadened my horizons and I got to experience and understand different perspectives and ways of life. In my free time I keep practicing martial arts (like Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) and also travelling and exploring the country, while trying to improve my Japanese skills.

私は幼い頃から武道や日本の映画、アニメ、芸術を通して日本の文化や伝統に強い関心を持っていました。 2018年に観光で初めて日本を訪れ、この国と人々に魅了されました。ギリシャに戻り、修士課程を修了した後、日本に戻り、日本での生活を体験する方法を見つけたいと思うようになりました。そこで、日本の大学で勉強を続ける決心をしました。

Discovering and Joining Export Japan
In January 2025 I joined Export Japan as an intern with an interest in data analysis and science. I was fascinated by the way Export Japan works, its international and innovative spirit and approach, the working environment and the friendly people. I am thrilled to be a part of a multi-cultural and multinational team that values teamwork, personal growth and creativity.
I am looking forward to working together with everyone and I hope that I can contribute to the organization in many ways!
