Q:Where are you from? (city name and country). Please tell us about the good points of your city
A:Hello, I am Iftekhar Ahmed Eather. I am from a beautiful country, Bangladesh. I was born in a village which located at Dhaka division, Shariatpur district. My village is just nearby river. The biggest river of Bangladesh is Padma. My district is fully aside of the river. Though, from last decade, the river became so dangerous and almost 4000+ family has lost everything, including me. Our village home is now under the river.
こんにちは、私はイフテカール アーメッド イーサーです。私は美しい国、バングラデシュ出身です。ダッカにあるシャリアトプル県内の村で生まれました。私の故郷は川のすぐそばにあります。バングラデッシュの一番大きな川はパドマ河で、私の地区はその川に面しています。しかし、ここ10年で川はとても危険な状態に陥ってしまい私自身を含む約4000以上の家族がすべてを川の氾濫で失ってしまいました。私の故郷の村は現在川の下にあります。
I came to Dhaka city on 2000 for study purpose. Until 2005 I just knew nothing of Dhaka unless some places like Dhanmondi, Dhaka University area. Later, I started visiting different place of Dhaka city with friends. The most visiting place of Dhaka is “Puran Dhaka/Old Dhaka”. This place is historical buildings. There have so many historical buildings, foods and culture.Here are some photographs of “Old Dhaka”
2000年に私は進学のためダッカ市内に移りました。2005年まで、私は Dhanmondiというダッカ大学エリア以外のダッカのことを、全然知らないということに気づき、友人たちと一緒にダッカの様々な場所を訪れることにしました。一番よく訪れた場所はダッカ旧市街( Puran Dhaka /オールドダッカ)です。この場所には歴史的建造物、食べ物、文化がたくさんあります。
The good point of Bangladesh is, people are very hospitable. They welcome guests and everyone with warm heart. Another good point is, no one will feel lonely there. Because of overloaded people. Even at late night, there will be someone at street. Bangladeshi people like having little spicy food or sweets.
A video on Dhaka can be found here
Q: Where is your recommended location in your country?
A:In Bangladesh, the most beautiful place is Cox’s Bazar and St. Martin. Cox’s bazar is the world largest sea beach and St. Martin is the only Coral beach of Bangladesh. Other beautiful places are, Bandarban [everywhere], Sylhet [everywhere], Rangamati [everywhere but specially Sajek]. Bandarban, Rangamati, and Sylhet are beautiful of nature, hills, green everywhere, waterfalls in a different area. Old Dhaka is recommended for having tasty foods like Biriyani and can see many historical buildings.
Here are some photographs of Bandarban and Sylhet from my Flickr.
バングラデシュで一番美しい場所はコックスバザールとセントマーティンです。コックスバザールには世界一長い砂浜があり、セントマーティンはバングラデシュで唯一サンゴ礁があるビーチです。その他にも Bandarban、Sylhet、 Rangamati(特に Sajekが一押し)がおすすめで、丘、緑、滝などの自然が豊かでとても美しいところです!ダッカ旧市街地は食べ物がおすすめで、ビリヤニのような美味しい食べ物が食べられ、歴史的な建造物を見ることができます。
Q:What are your interests or hobbies?
A:One of the hobbies is to travel and take photographs of a beautiful place, enjoy nature and its beauty. I love green place, waterfalls and hills. Sad but true, my favorite season was rain until I was at Village. Because, I enjoyed raining over green tree, pond and “Tin roof”. To me, who is living Bangladesh, everyone should enjoy this. Found a short video of raining at the village. I also like to listen music, watch Marvel movies or animation movies like “Despicable me”, “Kung Fu Panda”, “How to train your dragon”, “Up”, “Ice Age” etc and Cooking is another interest.
I also like to hang out with anyone and sharing knowledge [technical or helpful for daily life].
私の趣味の一つは旅と美しい場所を写真撮影し、自然やその美しさを楽しむことです。私は緑豊かな場所や滝、丘が大好きです。悲しいことなんですが、村が川の氾濫に見舞われるまで、私は雨の季節が好きでした。緑の木や池に降り注ぐ雨やトタン屋根のあまだれを見ているとリラックスでき、癒されます。私にしてみれば、バングラデシュに住んでいる人はみなこの良さを楽しむべきだと思います。私の村の雨の動画を見つけたら見てみてください。他にも音楽を聴いたり、マーベルの映画やアニメの映画( ミニオン、カンフーパンダ、ヒックとドラゴン、カールじいさんの空飛ぶ家 、アイスエイジなど)を観るのも好きです。料理にも興味があります。
Q: What is the weirdest thing for you in Japan?
A:The weirdest thing for me in Japan is over silence. I am not habituated with this silence. I always used to talk with families, friends, neighbors when was at Bangladesh. But, at Japan, I think they are used to be with this silence. Another problem I am facing till now is, still many places like Bank don’t have someone who can speak in English or even they don’t have option to change language of mobile app too. It’s weird for me until now. Other than, I really found Japan people are very good and helpful.
Q:What inspired you to work in Japan?
A:From my childhood, I heard Japan is a giant of Technology and Tech persons. During my university time, I used to a participant at ICPC and online Programming contests. I found lots of Japan contestants became a winner and solved lots of hard problems very intelligently. From then, I always wanted to visit Japan. When I got a chance to work and visit Japan in 2016, I found my colleagues are very much smart and intelligent. So, that inspired me. I have a lot to learn from EXJ colleagues too.
Another point is that Japan peoples are very much honest and helpful.
子どものころ私は日本はテクノロジー先進国で、技術者がたくさんいると聞いていました。学生時代にICPC(International Collegiate Programming Contest 国際大学対抗プログラミングコンテスト)やオンラインプログラミングコンテストに参加していました。たくさんの日本人の参加者が優勝し、すごい知識で難しい課題を解いていました。その時から、私はいつも日本を訪れてみたいと思っていました。2016年に日本に仕事でくる機会があった時、一緒に働いた日本人がとても賢くて知識量も豊富であることを知りました。そういったことが日本で働くことに影響を及ぼしていると思います。そしてエクスポートジャパンの同僚からも学ぶべきことがたくさんあると思っています。
Q:How are you feeling to work in EXJ? What project would you like to do in the future?
A:I have been working with EXJ from November 30, 2018. I found my colleagues are very much helpful. Not only for tasks, but also for everything, I really get so much support and help. I found very comfortable to work in EXJ.
I have plan to work for most valuable projects in EXJ. I have already shared some of my idea with Takaoka-san. In Bangladesh, I have worked for a complex Government project. I don’t know whether that is possible in Japan or not, but we may sometimes try to build some application which can provide benefit for Japan Government. I believe if something is a benefit for the government, that means it will be a benefit for the whole country. One of the most concern word all over the world is ‘Cost minimizing’. So, EXJ can try to develop something which might help the Government helping with Cost minimizing. In Bangladesh, the project I worked for, helping our government to use Less paper now. Our government offices are trying to be “Paperless office”. Also, once I worked for “Unkyu” project, that can be still a choice of benefit if we can think more perfectly.
EXJでは最も価値のあるプロジェクトに取り組む予定です。すでに代表とは自分のアイデアを共有してきました。バングラデシュでは時間のかかる政府のプロジェクトに携わっていました。日本では可能かどうかわからないけど、いつか日本の政府にとって役に立つようなアプリケーションを開発したいです。私は政府にとって役立つものは、同時にその国全体にとって役に立つものになると考えています。世界で一番課題となっていることは、 ‘Cost minimizing 費用削減’です。だから、EXJが政府の費用削減に有益な開発の一端を担当することができればと思っています。バングラデシュで私が携わっていたプロジェクトはバングラデシュ政府のペーパーレス化を進めました。政府は” Paperless office”になることを目指しています。私はEXJで”Unkyu”プロジェクトを担当しましたが、これをもっと実用レベルまで高められれば役立つものになるだろうと考えています。
Q: What are you studying at your university?
A:I studied Computer Science and Engineering at my University. I especially focused on Programming subject and Software Development courses. I know, in my subject, there has no end of learning. So, I want to learn so many things from everyone.